
This is an almost complete list of important publications starting from 1989. The newest publication is at the top of the table.

Category Date_______ Title Type Subject Link EN Link DE
CHZ 2023-06-10 BIO.KI.S.S. Digital Twins Award Untertitel DE: Bildanalyse durch KI von Satelliten- Luft- und 1st/3rd Person Bildern mit Hilfe multispektraler synthetic Datasets
Untertitel EN: AI Image Analysis of satellite images, aerial images and 1st/3rd person images assisted by multi-spectral synthetic datasets.
The BIO.KI.S.S. team participated in the hackathon hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Transport (Bundesverkehrsministerium) and won the award in the category: most technical approach.
- BMDV Tweet
BMDV award handover (image)
Digital Twins Presentation (PDF)
CHZ 2023-05-10 Sherlock Holmes in Orbit Talk Artificial Intelligence detects Biotopes on satellite images aided by synthetic Data Sets. A poem about our lessons learned from a proof of concept project preceding the scaling phase. First talk at the its-people event: Sustainability for companies 2023-05-13 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Second presentation at the FGSV (Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen e.V.) online event with about 200 participants on 2023-05-16 EN PDF Download DE PDF Download
CHZ 2023-03-21 The Climate Transformation (Travel) Guide Article + Manifesto A Manifesto for Climate Transformation Manifesto EN on LinkedIn
Manifesto on
Manifest DE auf LinkedIn
Manifest auf
STI 2022-04-18 Level Up to Superhero Radar Article + Tool make better decisions quicker with the Level Up to Superhero Radar LinkedIn Article
Medium Article
The tool:
CHZ 2020-11-18 Eine kurze Geschichte zur EEG-Novelle in 5 Minuten Video Video für die Bundestagsabgeordneten über die Hintergründe zur EEG-Novelle im Gesetzgebungsverfahren (mit satirischen Elementen)
STI/GA 2020-10-21 Level Up to Superhero Book Level Up to Superhero in six simple steps: How to master (y)our destiny and qualify for the 22nd century
STI/GA 2020-08-11 Level Up zum Superhelden Book Level Up zum Superhelden in 6 einfachen Schritten: Wie Du Dein Schicksal meisterst und uns für das 22. Jahrhundert qualifizierst.
CHZ 2019-10-30 SOLAREZEP Video SOLAREZEP - Emission free passenger air cruise built following the cradle-to-cradle-principle - my contribution to the changemaker challenge of Lufthansa Innovation Hub in November 2019. SOLAREZEP - concept video
GA 2018-07-21 Present and Future of Volumetric Video, BlenderDay18 Talk 2018 Update of the cinematic VR Formula about state and future of volumetric Video for Mixed Reality, movies and games 
STI 2018-02 Mixed Reality Whitepaper Whitepaper What is the killer app of the mixed reality platform and why is the question wrong? The true transformational power of the mixed reality platform
GA 2017-12 The 3futurez Holodeck Musical for BBC Worldwide Labs Application Video Produktion eines BBC Worldwide Labs Application Videos für das 3futurez Holodeck Musical, Musikproduktion, Trailer-Produktion, Modeling, Animation
STI 2017-11 User Experience Design for Virtual- and Augmented Reality, UX-Congress 2017 in Frankfurt, Germany Talk Talk and Roomscale VR Live Demo at UX-Congress 2017 in Frankfurt, Germany. Slides partly German, partly English. 
GA 2017-10 The cinematic VR formula Book Success factors and general overview for creating Virtual Reality Movies with some technical deep dives - ISBN: 978-3-944218-11-3 , (artist name Chuck Ian Gordon)
STI 2017-09 Damit ich Dich besser sehen kann, Trends in der automatischen optischen Inspektion (AOI) Article automatic optical inspection becomes  3-dimensional - Article in the its-people newsletter
STI 2017-06 Wie Sie die Kraft der 3 immersiven Wellen VR/AR/USEMIR für Ihr Business nutzen. Talk Talk at the VR/AR Excellence Days Hamburg,   Organizer: Managementforum, Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt partnering with Google Headquarter Hamburg, Germany 
STI 2017-06 OH MAN, THIS IS HAPPENING! - Virtual Reality Analytics verwandelt Verhaltensdaten in Business Value Article Ghostline, Affectiva's Emotion Analytics and other developments at immersive behavioral analytics
STI 2017-04 Using VR in Business Strategies and Connecting VR to Enterprise Systems Talk Live Webinar at Starweaver, an international IT training company ( ) -
STI 2016-12-23 Virtual Reality Business Model Creation Online Course How to create Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Business Models and/or how to monetize VR and AR. 6876 students in 145 countries subscribed to this online class (status at 2022-02-02). Contents: understand VR and AR basics and principles in form of a brief overview: * tell the essence of the next 3 immersive visual computing waves VR, AR and USEMIR (Ubiquitous SEnsory MIxed Reality) * identify some challenges in the VR and AR market and name some solution approaches for them * use a step by step method for building extraordinary business models * identify major categories where VR and AR business models can take place * use their knowledge of 11 examples of real world VR/AR business models and/or monetization approaches * use the results from an iterative exercise to define their own VR/AR business models or -
STI 2016-09 Keynote: Virtual Reality Analytics at Digility 2016, Köln, Germany Keynote DIGILITY 2016: Joerg Osarek: Virtual Reality Analytics - how VR and AR change business intelligence. Video and slides available. Check the links. 
GA 2016-06 Einstieg in die VR Movie Produktion Talk talk at VR / AR Meetup, Hochschule Mainz, Germany -
STI 2016-06-23 Virtual Reality Analytics: Warum Facebook sieht, was Du siehst und was das für das Marketing bedeutet Article This article describes how to gather and analyze behavioural information from users while they are in VR/AR. Guest post on / today . I describe the "Metaverse" as „USEMIR“ Wave (Ubiquitous SEnsory Mixed Reality) -
STI 2016-05 Virtual Reality Analytics -- How VR and AR change Business Intelligence Book ISBN: 978-3-944218-09-0 - Dossier with Co-Authors with high reputation in their fields. I wrote 4 chapters and published the book. 
STI 2016-05 Virtual Reality User Experience Talk Skydeck Silvertower, DB Systel GmbH, Frankfurt -
STI 2016-03 Moderation of Panel: VR Analytics Web Summit, San Francisco ( ) Panel Moderation Guests in panel were: Sunny Webb, Senior R&D Principal at Accenture, Geoff Skow, Founder of Fishbowl VR -
STI 2016-02 Virtual Reality Analytics goes Open Data - Article in the BI Spektrum Magazine Article BI erobert die virtuelle und gemischte Realität: Virtual Reality Analytics goes Open Data. Heft BI-Spektrum 01-2016  
STI 2016-02 2nd Edition: Die Exzellenz-Formel -- das Handwerkszeug für Berater with 6 new chapters Book ISBN: 978-3944218076 - Review of Prof. Christian Zielke on Amazon (translated): 5 of 5 stars: Important Tools. If you have mastered the tools and techniques of this book, you will stand out as an excellent consultant from your competitors and will always have good customers, even in economically difficult times, who will remain loyal to you, because thanks to the tips and checklists described here, you can quickly and easily exceed the expectations of your clients in the projects.  Original Review: 5,0 von 5 Sterne. Wichtige Tools. Wer die Tools und Techniken dieses Buches beherrscht, hebt sich als Berater exzellent von seinen Mitbewerbern ab und wird auch in wirtschaftlich schwierigen Zeiten immer gute Kunden haben, die ihm treu bleiben, weil er dank der hier beschriebenen Hinweise und Checklisten die Erwartungen seiner Auftraggeber in den Projekten schnell und leicht übertreffen kann.
STI 2016-02 How can we qualify for the 22nd century as civilization today? Wisdom and chivalry as key for a future worth living in. Talk Talk in German: Wie können wir uns heute als Zivilisation für das 22. Jahrhundert qualifizieren? Weisheit und Ritterlickkeit als Schlüssel für eine lebenswerte Zukunft -- Integraler Salon Frankfurt -
STI 2016-01 Insights into Cinematic VR and Virtual Reality Analytics Talk First VR / AR Meetup Frankfurt Institut für neue Medien INM 
STI 2015-11 Keynote: Virtual Reality Analytics at DOAG Conference, Nuremberg, Germany Keynote Keynote of the Business Intelligence Stream at DOAG Conference, Nuremberg, (Europe's largest Oracle Users Event) 
GA 2015-09 Insights into cinematic VR (Virtual Reality) Talk Talk and on a panel at the first Immersed Europe at University of Murcia, Spain (artist name: Chuck Ian Gordon) 
GA 2015-01 EYES Book Teaser - animated video production Video Development, production and animation of the Eyes Teaser for Lars Stender's Science Fiction Horror Book Eyes 
GA 2014-10 The 3futurez holodeck Musical Talk Talk at the Blender Conference, Amsterdam, (artist name: Chuck Ian Gordon) 
GA 2014-08 VR Prototype 3futurez Holodeck Musical Demo Demo of a virtual reality prototype for the 3futurez holodeck musical with over 150 testers at the world science fiction convention in London, UK (artist name: Chuck Ian Gordon) -
STI 2014-03 The Business Power of virtualization -- how virtualization changes the rules of the game Talk Major client, transport and Logistics, Germany -
GA 2013-12 GameW0rldz - English edition Book Science Fiction novel about virtual reality, video games and strong artificial intelligence (artist name: Chuck Ian Gordon, translated by Jan Wassermann-Fry ) . Reader review by Dirk Wendt, Online Gamer: "This book blurs the boundaries of science fiction and reality to create a wonderfully futuristic novel. A well-paced, gripping read that seems to have found the optimal balance between excitement and length." 
STI 2008-2013 Beraterzeitung  - The consultant's magazine Magazine owner and publisher of the electronic magazine: (the consultant's magazine)- an electronic publication for consultants and their customers with premium content by Joerg Osarek and many subject matter experts and some celebrities. - BEZ Premium Magazine Q1.2009 ; BEZ Premium Magazine Q2.2009 ; BEZ Premium Magazine Q3.2009 ; BEZ Premium Magazine Q4.2009 ; BEZ Premium Magazine Q1.2010 ; BEZ Premium Magazine Q2.2010
STI 2012-12 SoMoLo -- Social Mobile Local -- der neue Big Data Milliardenmarkt Book Book about the new billion dollar big data market in the context of SoMoLo (Social, Mobile, Local). I also gave talks about the book at DOAG Conference Nuremberg, Germany Nov. 2012 and Cloudconf Nov.2012 
GA 2012-09 GameW0rldz - German Edition Book Science Fiction novel about virtual reality, video games and strong artificial intelligence (artist name: Chuck Ian Gordon). For review see English edition (published 2013-12). 
STI 2012-09 The cloud computing gold rush - distinguish black sheep from real business chances Keynote Keynote at the heise Cloud Event Cologne, Germany: Jörg Osarek, its-people with Andreas Wolske, CEO
STI 2011-11 The Megatrend after Cloud Computing: How to survive the Organic Computing Age Talk Talk at DOAG Conference 2011, Nuremberg, Germany and at CloudConf Germany 
STI 2011-11 Encog 3D Neural Pilot vs. Human with HTML5 and WebGL via X3DOM Video Artificial Intelligence (AI) Demo of self designed neural network autopilot created as a distributed cloud computing architecture running in your browser without any plugins - outperforming the human pilot which was me.
STI 2010-11 Tame the technology monster: the IT safari to service orientation and cloud computing Talk 3 talks about cloud computing and the technology monster at DOAG Conference, Nuremberg, Germany and at CloudConf, Stuttgart, Germany (all 3 talks combined in the linked presentation)
STI 2010-03 Cloud Computing, SOA and a daring glimpse into the future Talk its-people Quo Vadis SOA 2010 Event, Frankfurt, Germany -
STI 2010 Tame the technology monster Article Sternstunde für Unternehmer 2010: Das Referentenjahrbuch - one chapter plus talk at the Sternstunde.ür-Unternehmer-2010-Referentenjahrbuch-ebook/dp/B00BUY86M4/
STI 2009-12 Germany 2020: What to expect? TV-Talk TV Talk-guest at Wartburg-Gespräche (, Wartburg, Eisenach, Germany: Thema: Deutschland 2020: was kommt auf uns zu?, Aufnahme am 05.11.2009 auf der Wartburg in Eisenach.
STI 2009-10 The cloud network has arrived Article German Article "Das Wolken-Netzwerk ist da" on Cloud Computing at Beraterzeitung (the consultant's magazine) -
STI 2009-04 The future of humanity in 100 years - and what of it is relevant for you today Talk German talk - original title: "Die Zukunft der Menschheit in 100 Jahren und was davon heute für Sie relevant ist" Talk at Economic council Germany (Wirtschaftsrat Deutschland), Bad Homburg, Germany. With own ideas as well as critical thoughts on the book of George Friedmann: "The next 100 years" -
STI 2009-03 who are winners and losers of the crisis? Interview Interview in Computerwoche (computer week), original title: "Wer sind die Gewinner und Verlierer der Krise?" 
STI 2008-10 First edition: Die Exzellenz-Formel - das Handwerkszeug für Berater - Tools und Techniken für mehr Beraterexzellenz Book Author of the book, published in October 2008 with BusinessVillage Verlag. ISBN: 978-3938358764 
STI 2008-08 Quo vadis SOA 2008? Talk How trends from SaaS and Business Mashups to the Long Tail create a new IT world together with service oriented architectures (SOA), its-people SOA Event in Frankfurt -
STI 2008-04 Chances and risks of service oriented architectures (SOA) Talk Talk at economic day Jena, Germany (Jenaer Wirtschaftstag) -
STI 2007-11 What is the impact of SOA on business intelligence? Talk Talk at DOAG Conference 2007, Nuremberg, Germany -
STI 2007-11 its-people: Become a founder within a family of entrepreneurs Article Article in the printed Resoom magazine, original title: its-people - das Modell >Unternehmer mit Familienanschluss< - Ausgabe Nov./Dez.2007 -
STI 2007-09 successful teamwork Article Article in the printed Resoom magazine, original title: Erfolgreiches Teamwork - Ausgabe September/Oktober 2007 -
STI 2007-08 anti-cyclic self marketing for it professionals Article Article in Computerwoche (computer week) - Online edition, original title: 16.08.2007 "Antizyklische Selbstvermarktung für IT-Professionals",598692
STI 2007-07 presentation as a passion Article Article in the printed Resoom magazine, original title: Präsentieren als Leidenschaft - Ausgabe Juli/August 2007 -
STI 2007-04 how it professionals can present themselves well Article Article in Computerwoche (computer week), original title: 27.04.2007: Beitrag  "Wie sich IT-Profis gut präsentieren" Print-Ausgabe der Computerwoche 18/2007 -
STI 2007-04 how it professionals successfully pitch at clients Article Article in Computerwoche (computer week) - Online edition, original title: 25.04.2007: Beitrag "Wie sich IT-Profis erfolgreich beim Kunden vorstellen",591874
STI 2007-04 how it professionals should do their electonic presentation Article Article in Computerwoche (computer week) - Online edition, original title: 11.04.2007: "Wie sich IT-Profis elektronisch präsentieren sollten",591122
STI 2007-04 target audience and professional fee Article category consulting-excellence of the Resoom magazine in 5 parts, original title: "Zielgruppe und Honorierung" -
STI 2007-03 successful do-it-yourself-marketing for IT professionals Article category consulting-excellence of the Resoom magazine in 5 parts, original title: "erfolgreiche Selbstvermarktung für IT Professionals" -
STI 2007-03 successful do-it-yourself-marketing for IT professionals Talk Talk at IT Freelancer Congress 2007 at CeBIT 2007, organized by the IT Freelancer Magazine -
STI 1998-11 VRML - the future of the internet - how to connect databases with open 3d internet technologies - demo of an enterprise virtual reality world, dynamically generated from an oracle database in real time. Talk Talk at DOAG Conference 1998, Stuttgart, Germany and article published in the DOAG-News 2/1999 (Publikation der Deutschen Oracle Anwendergruppe), Pages 9-11 contain original colour screenshots. original title: "VRML - Die Zukunft des Internet" - Ein Artikel zur Datenbank-Anbindung offener 3D-Techniken im Internet-Umfeld mit Prototypen einer dynamisch generierten Enterprise VR Anwendung. - ./archive/DOAGNews.02.1999_VRML_colourImages.pdf
STI 1989-06 computer viruses - digital thread or scare tactics? Article original title: Artikel: "Computerviren - Digitale Bedrohung oder Panikmache?" - Artikel im frühen Stadium des Internet zu Hintergründen über Computerviren und einen Ausblick in die Zukunft. - ./archive/VirusArtikelOsarek1989.pdf